
Organizational Introduction

Medical Affairs Section
  1. Medical care networks
  2. Medical wastes
  3. Hospital accreditation
  4. Quality of medical cares
  5. Emergency care
Long-Term Care Section
  1. Management of long-term care institutions and personnel 
  2. Auditing of foreign care worker applications
Mental Health And Drugs Abuse Prevention Section
  1. Prevention and control of mental diseases
  2. Rehabilitation medicine and protection of the physically and mentally impaired
Food And Drug Section
  1. Inspection of medicaments and cosmetics and control of advertisements
  2. Control of pharmaceutical firms
  3. Separation of dispensing practice from medical practice
  4. Registration and market approval of drugs and cosmetics
  5. Inspection of controlled drugs
  6. Management of health food
  7. Iabeling of nutrition for packaged food on market
  8. Education on food sanitation and nutrition
Health Promotion Section
  1. Genetic health
  2. Family planning
  3. Healthcare for mothers and children
  4. Promotion of Vision
  5. Oral health
  6. Health promotion for adults and the elderly
  7. Occupational health
  8. Prevention and control of cancers
  9. Control of tobacco hazards
Disease Control Section
  1. Surveillance of diseases and epidemiological investigation
  2. Prevention and control of bacterial diseases
  3. Prevention and control of viral diseases
  4. Prevention and control of parasitic diseases
  5. Prevention and control of vectors and insect-borne diseases
  6. Prevention and control of special diseases
Laboratory Section
  1. Tests for food sanitation (E.coli;coliform group…etc)
  2. Residual pesticides
  3. Pathogenic microbes and agents of food poisoning
  4. Sanitary test of water in swimming pools and bath houses
Planning Section
  1. Program planning and evaluation
  2. Health voluntary service
  3. Computer science information
  4. Public service for citizens
General Affairs Section
  1. Word processing
  2. General affairs,Cashier & Salary
Accounting Office
  1. Accounting
  2. Tax-levying accounting
  3. Statistics of health
Personnel Office
  1. Management & Rewards of Personnel
  2. Punishments & welfare

Civil Service Ethics Office
  1. Civil service ethics control affairs


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